Reviews don't lie... or do they?

News at Cameron King | 19/07/2022

We are now living in a review culture which on the face of it is a good thing. You buy a product or service, and the seller/provider is onto you in a jiffy hoping for a 5-star review.

The importance has become so great that for some organisations maintaining a top-notch rating has become something of a 'black art'. It's not unusual to see the main protagonist review sites coming under fire for accepting false reviews. Also, we Brits are not the greatest complainers - when was the last time you had a mediocre meal in a restaurant and when asked said that everything was fine and then left a tip! It would be intresting to know how much consumers don't leave reviews because the product/service simply didn't warrant the effort, or because some businesses don't ask everyone for some reason...

Let's not kid ourselves and consider the following; no matter how good the rating may be, the product/service once delivered 'is what it is' and will therefore be the consumers lasting memory, and it's a story they will pass on. Simply having a good review rating will not guarantee business success. At Cameron King Estate Agents, if there's a problem, we want to know about it. It is vital for us to know what our customers REALLY think. Only then are we able to do more of what we're told we're good at and 'tweak' our staff training where necessary to ensure that we are continually maintaining excellent service levels.

That's why at the end of each transaction, the team at Cameron King Estate Agents asks every buyer, seller, landlord and tenant for feedback on how we've done. Each result is considered in a positive light and used to form the continual development of our staff training program.

Whilst we're proud of our Google ratings, this is secondary to the fact that most of our business originates from strong recommendations and former client.